Since the very begging of the world until
now the human being has been looking for happiness although that word hasn't
still been invented.
We all have been looking for happiness in
every single aspect of life such as: work, studies, material stuff, health,
family and love.
Once upon a time there was a Philosophy
teacher who arrived at a class. He took a glass jar and, without saying a word
he filled it with golf balls and asked his students:
- - Is the jar full?
- -Yes- they answered.
Automatically the teacher put some marbles
on the jar and asked again:
- - Is the jar full now?
- - Yes – they answered again.
Then, the teacher put some sand on the jar
and asked again:
- - Is the jar full now?
- - Yes-students answered again.
Finally the teacher dropped two cups of
caffe into the jar, so that students began laughing.
Well, this jar could perfectly represent
life as it is:
. Golf balls would be the most important
things in life as family, love, health or friends.
. Marbles would be other less important
things in life such as work, studies, house or car.
. And finally, the sand would be the rest,
little things of life.
So that, If we filled the jar with sand,
we wouldn’t have any place left to put the golf balls. In the real
life it would mean that if we waste all our time worrying about little things
we wouldn’t have any time left to spend in the really important things like our
family, our couple or our health.
According to this, we should be aware of
what the most important stuff of life is: staying with your family, go to the
doctor, doing your favourite sport, going out with your couple, etc.
You’ll always have time to clean your
house or save the grass. You have to establish your preferences in life, the
golf balls because the rest is just sand.
After the explanation, one of the students
asked for the caffe, what the teacher hadn't explained yet.
- I’m happy you ask for that, it’s just to
show you that it doesn’t mind how busy you are, there should always be time to
have a caffe with a friend.-
With this story I want to make you reflect
about what happiness is, about what “being happy” means.
We spend a lot of time looking for
happiness. Sometimes we try to find it focusing our life on our career, or
maybe focusing on material things, and usually we try to find it focusing on
In short, we always look for things to
fell completely happy although we know that it’s almost impossible, because
there will always exist something you would change to be better.
Starting from this point, I have reached a conclusion; I've already found
happiness’ secret, and I am gonna tell you today, right now.
The secret of happiness is not to get
the perfect life working in the perfect job, having the perfect family and
friends and loving and being loved by the perfect person.
Happiness doesn’t mean your life to be perfect. On the
contrary, it means to love your life as it is, although you
would change some aspects if you were able to do it.
So, if you want a good advice, do not waste your time looking for happiness, just enjoy your moment, enjoy
your life as it is, and then, you would have found happiness.